Arcade Our Way
Arcade our Way
Arcade our Way (AoW) is an inclusive STEAM intervention that can take place in formal and informal educational contexts. It promotes social impact/social change game-design as an expressive medium for all creators and seeks in particular to engage those whose stories and concerns are not often represented in mainstream games. The project is led by Dr. Renee Jackson, assistant professor in the Art Education and Community Arts Practices department at Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University.
Arcade Our Way
The Genesis.
Arcade our Way (AoW) began in Montréal Canada in 2015, with the intention of providing girls with opportunities to collaboratively design and develop video games for social change. The movement was started by the then CEO of a small gaming company, Angelique Mannella, with whom I (Renee Jackson) joined forces as a researcher and educationalist. Two undergraduate students, Layla Belmahi and Lila Weintraub, also joined the team and together we built the project from its genesis. We worked with the grade seven students at The Linden School in Toronto, to create a video game prototype about female leadership called GhostHotel. Marysa Antanakakis and Clairine Shum created the art and logos related to the project. In collaboration with the grade sevens, in the final stages of the project, Marysa created the art for GhostHotel, and Liane Decary-Chen programmed the final game. Anais Peria contributed to the workshops. All of this took place within the context of the TAG lab @ Concordia University: https://tag.hexagram.ca/. Special thanks to Bart Simon, David Waddington and Ayaz Naseem!!

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